Departmental Travel Bursaries


You may need to travel to present your work at a conference in the UK or abroad.  This will not only help expose you to interesting research and other academics who share your research interests, but it is a fundamental part of your research training, improving your presentation and networking skills.

How does it work?

The Department of Chemistry holds bursary funds to help support student travel to conferences (including associated costs such as accommodation, subsistence and registration fees) and for other purposes. Students in the Department of Chemistry may apply for bursaries of a maximum amount of £500 (PhD) and £300 (MPhil). Students are able to make a maximum of 2 applications as a PhD candidate and a maximum of 1 application as an MPhil during the course of their studies.

Alongside the £500 from the department, we expect your supervisor to match our contribution. As such, if you require £900 for travel to a conference, we might contribute £450, on the condition your supervisor also contributes £450.

There is no carry-over of funds from one year to the next for PhD students, i.e. £500 maximum per year. 

Students should ensure that they explore any support available from either their College, PhD/MPhil funding source and supervisor before applying for Departmental funds using the travel bursary application forms (below). We expect that students will normally be planning to present a poster or speak at the conference which they apply to be funded for.

Travel Insurance

As with all study/work related travel during your studies, please make sure that you have the right travel insurance in place before you go.  Details of the University Travel Insurance Policy and how to arrange cover can be found below.

- University Travel Insurance Information


Applications are considered throughout the year. You will normally be notified within four weeks of application whether you have been successful. If you have applied to other sources (such as college, Cambridge Trust, RSC) we made need to await the outcome of those applications before making a final decision on the amount of funding the department and your PI will contribute.

Application Forms

All students wishing to make an application must complete and submit the form below.

- Department Travel Bursary Application - Part I

Materials RIG students must also complete the additional form to show their supervisor. The supervisor must see this before they can sign off the Part I form.

- Department Travel Bursary Application - Part II

Please send the completed Part I application form to