Your supervisor is required to submit formal reports on your progress each term via Postgraduate Feedback and Reporting System (PFRS) on CamSIS. For information on how to log on please click here. Each term the reporting process will open at the division of term and close two weeks after the start of the following term.

Once submitted by your supervisor these reports should be immediately available to you. PFRS reports will also be read by the Departmental Postgraduate Education team, the Degree Committee, your College and Student Registry who are all interested in your progress.

PFRS reports indicate your level of industry and progress, and allow your supervisor to record some general comments about your work over the preceeding term. It is a good idea that if there have been unavoidable delays for technical, or other reasons, that your supervisor indicate that in the text. Although this may seem relatively minor at the time, it could ultimately have an impact on your submission date. Similarly injury or illness can have an impact on your progress, so noting that lab work has been curtailed by frequent trips to the hospital or doctors is important. PFRS reports will be used by Student Registry when considering any on-line applications for a change to your student status.

Each Michaelmas term you will have the opportunity to complete a self-evaluation report via your CAMSIS self service account. This will give you the opportunity to reflect on how you feel your studies are going and raise any concerns that you may have. We strongly advise that you complete these reports as a useful self reflection exercise helping you to focus on what has gone well, and what you may need to change going forward. Once submitted your Supervisor, College Tutor, the Department and the Degree Committee will have an opportunity to comment and resolve any issues that you may have raised wherever possible. You should receive an email alerting you to the fact that the self evaluation exercise is open at the division of term (mid November) and that it will close after three weeks. 

Supervisors will be able to comment on self evaluation reports, but will also be expected to complete a Michaelmas term report. 

In order to access PFRS reports it is necessary to log in to your CAMSIS self-service account.

If you cannot see any reports, please ask your Supervisor to submit one as soon as possible.  If you have further problems please contact the Postgraduate Student Co-ordinator.