Departmental Outstanding PhD Thesis Awards

Students who submit their PhD thesis within four years of their start date will be automatically eligible for an Outstanding Thesis Award. Students do not need to apply to be considered for one of these awards. It is our intention as a Department that normally not more than 5 of these will be given in any calendar year and this will be subject to both the Internal and External PhD Examiners independently (prior to the viva) recommending a thesis for the honour of the award. Recommendations made in a calendar year will be considered in the following year by a Departmental panel with representatives from all RIGs as to which theses should be made an Award: the Postgraduate Education Committee will be asked to ratify such recommendations and the students selected will be notified by e-mail in the first instance of their success. A letter from the Head of Department plus certificate and £500 prize will follow. All runner ups will receive a Highly Commended Thesis Award which consists of a letter from the HoD, certificate and £100 prize money.

2017 Awards

2018 Awards

2019 Awards

2020 Awards

2021 Awards

2022 Awards