Arrival Checklist for New Postgraduate Students
Before you arrive.... | ||
Task | Details | When to complete it |
University Registration | This is required to access your Cambridge email and collect IT passwords. Details are on the UIS website. | After admission is confirmed and registration email is received |
Complete the Demonstrating Sign Up Form (October starters only) | You should have already received information about Demonstrating, and filled in a form with your information. If you haven't completed the form, please do so here! Demonstrating is a compulsory element of 1st and 2nd year PhD studies
| By 3rd September |
Department Registration | You will be sent a registration link by email before the first day of term. Please complete your registration with 14 days of receiving the link. For any information you do not know, please wait until you have been inducted in your research group. Students currently registered with the Department as MPhil/visitor status will not be required to register again. We will create a new record for you. | Within 14 days of receiving registration link |
When you arrive in the Department.... | ||
Task | Details | When to complete it |
Collect University card for access to the Department | Check your College's arrival information for details on how to collect your card. Your card should allow you limited access to the Department from the first weekday after your earliest arrival date (1 October / 5 January / 10 or 17 April) for induction attendance. Full access will be granted on completion of registration (see below). If your card does not allow you access from the above date, contact MifareAdmin [at] ch.cam.ac.uk or see Reception immediately. In order to maintain continuous access you must register within 14 days of receiving the link. If registration is not completed within this timeframe you will lose access to the Department. | On arrival |
Attend Induction | October starters will have an Induction day on the first Tuesday of term. You should attend all events on this day. The timetable can be found here. Lent/Easter term starters will have an informal induction session at the start of term. You will be notified of this date separately. You will also be given access to the October induction recordings. | Michaelmas 2024 Starters - 8th October Other Starters - TBC |
Submit your bank details | If the Department is covering your maintenance payments, your bank details will be requested by the Academic Secretary in the coming weeks. Further information about other payments eg for demonstrating, will be given at the Induction. | Within one week of arrival |
Add the PG Calendar | There is an Outlook calendar with all training and events that you will be given access to. Please check your access and either add the whole calendar or individual events to your Outlook so that you are always aware of what is coming up. | Within one week of arrival |
Safety Training with Quiz | Your Department Safety training will be accessible from the registration link. There is a general Safety training course with Quiz that everyone must complete and second link with further training and a second quiz for experimentalists. In order to complete your registration and gain access to the Chemistry labs you need to get 80% or more on the relevant quiz(zes). | Within 14 days of receiving registration link |
Photo | As part of the Department Registration, our Repographics Team will take your photo. You should book a time slot online during the registration process. | Within 14 days of receiving registration link |
Lab Management Induction | You should arrange this with your Lab Manager. If you do not have a lab, please ask you supervisor if there is any other relevant induction you need to attend. | Within first two weeks of arrival |
University Safety Course | In addition to the Department safety training, you are also required to complete the online University safety training. | Within first two weeks of arrival |
Fire Training | All postgraduate students must complete the online fire training. You should also complete the fire safety awareness and use of fire extinguishers training. Live sessions with availability will be circulated during the year. | Within first two weeks of arrival |
Check your visa responsibilities (if applicable) | If you are on a student visa, make sure you are aware of your responsibilities by checking the International Office website. | Within two weeks of arrival |
During Your First Term... | ||
Task | Details | When to complete it |
Read the Code of Practice for research students | Please familiarise yourself with the Code of Practice for research students. You, your Supervisor and Academic Mentor are expected to sign a copy of this Code, in order to confirm that you have read it and discussed its content. | Within one month of arrival |
Sign up to compulsory courses | At induction you will be given a list of compulsory courses together with signup links (also available here). Please ensure that you have signed up for these, informed your PI and added the dates to your diary. | Within one month of arrival |
iProc training | For access to iProc, email keycontacts [at] ch.cam.ac.uk to be registered for the training. | Within one month of arrival |
Meet with your supervisor | You should meet with your supervisor on arrival. It is important to keep open communication with them about the courses you need and want to attend. We suggest discussing this and asking if there are courses they would recommend for your particular project. | Within one month of arrival |
Contact your Academic Mentor | You will be assigned an Academic Mentor within your first few weeks in Department. Please look out for this communication. This will be someone from your RIG who does not provide formal supervision but acts as a point of contact for academic advice. Once you receive the details, make contact with your mentor to introduce yourself. | On receipt of mentor information from PG Team |
Make yourself aware of written work submission deadlines | This might seem like a long way off, but you should make yourself aware of the following submission deadlines and start working towards them with your supervisor:
Training sessions will be held with further information about these processes in Easter term. First year review Department guidance | In the first two months |
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the Postgraduate Education Team. We will be available to meet in person from the date of induction or are contactable by email, phone or on MS Teams during office hours.